How and Where to Buy Scholarship Coin (SCHO) – Detailed Guide

What is SCHO?

What is SCHO? Scholarship Coin (SCHO) is a decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cryptocurrency that has been created by the World Scholarship Foundation with the ambition to power a scholarship system that will incentivize students based on their academic performance.

How Many SCHO Coins Are There in Circulation? SCHO has a limited supply of 20 million coins that can be mined via an hybrid mining system operated by Proof of Work (POW) and Proof of Stake (POS) before being brought into circulation.

faaaogaina: SCHO will be used to operate the Scholarship Reward System (SRS) and to reward students based on their academic performance.

What is the Role of the Foundation? The World Scholarship Foundation will participate in the mining process of SCHO and other cryptocurrencies to fund its operations and purchase more SCHO as required over time to maintain operational requirements of the SRS.

NFT's NFT’s will play an integral part of the SRS. As soon as a student registers an account with the SRS, they will be able to MINT their Scholaroid avatar. The Scholaroids will evolve throughout the educational path of the student as they pass their school year and will become a valuable asset over time.

Who are the Founders of the Scholarship Coin? The Scholarship Coin and its economic scholarship system was designed and created by the World Scholarship Foundation, a non-profit organisation that is managing the continued support of the Scholarship Coin infrastructure and SRS.

The founders of the project have a good understanding of cryptocurrency economics. Their strong points are project management, programming, development and strategic communications.

What is the purpose of the project? It is an opportunity to demonstrate real case usage of blockchain technology to leverage social development and wealth by tackling the issues which revolve around access to proper education, an area that needs strong support across the world.

Where Can I Exchange Scholarship Coins (SCHO)? SCHO is available for trading on, and

Useful Links: Website: Foundation Website: Whitepaper:

Mining Pools: • NOMP: • YIIMP:

Groups and Social Pages: -Medium: -Twitter: -Reddit: -GitHub: -Discord:

SCHO was first tradable on 16th Mar, 2021. It has a total supply of unknown. As of right now SCHO has a market capitalization of USD $unknown. The current price of SCHO is $0.102 and is ranked 2925 on Coinmarketcap and has recently surged 280.82 percent at the time of writing.

SCHO has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin from any fiat-to-crypto exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy SCHO.

Laasaga 1: Resitala ile Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

E tatau ona e faʻatau muamua se tasi o cryptocurrencies tetele, i lenei tulaga, Bitcoin (BTC) I lenei tusiga o le a matou savalia oe i auiliiliga e lua o fefaʻatauaiga fiat-to-crypto e masani ona faʻaaogaina, ma Coinbase . O fefa'ataua'iga uma e lua e iai a latou lava faiga fa'avae totogifuapauina ma isi fa'ailoga o le a matou fa'atalanoaina auiliili. E fautuaina e te fa'ata'ita'i uma ia mea e lua ma su'e le mea e sili ona fetaui mo oe.


Talafeagai mo US faioloa

Filifili Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange mo faʻamatalaga:

I le avea ai ma se tasi o fefaʻatauaiga fiat-to-crypto sili ona lauiloa ma faigofie, UpHold o loʻo i ai tulaga lelei nei:

  • Faigofie fa'atau ma fefa'ataua'iga i le tele o aseta, sili atu i le 50 ma fa'aopoopo pea
  • Ole taimi nei e sili atu ile 7M tagata fa'aoga ile lalolagi
  • E mafai ona e talosaga mo UpHold Debit card e mafai ona e faʻaalu ai aseta crypto i lau teugatupe e pei o se pepa aitalafu masani! (Naʻo US ae o le a iai i Peretania mulimuli ane)
  • Fa'afaigofie ona fa'aoga le telefoni feavea'i lea e mafai ai ona e fa'aui i tua tupe i se faletupe po'o so'o se isi altcoin fefa'ataua'iga faigofie
  • Leai ni pili natia ma so'o se isi lava pili tau tupe
  • E fa'atapula'a fa'atauga fa'atau/fa'atau atu mo tagata fa'aoga sili atu
  • E faigofie ona e setiina tupe teu faifaipea mo le tau o le tau (DCA) pe afai e te manaʻo e taofi cryptos mo se taimi umi.
  • USDT, o se tasi lea o stablecoins e sili ona lauiloa e lagolagoina e le USD (o se crypto e lagolagoina e tupe fiat moni ina ia latou le faʻafefeteina ma e mafai ona togafitia e pei o le tupe fiat o loʻo faʻapipiʻiina) o loʻo avanoa, e sili atu ona faigofie pe afai o le altcoin e te manaʻo e faʻatau e naʻo USDT fefaʻatauaʻiga paga i luga o le altcoin fesuiaiga ina ia e le tau alu i se isi suiga o tupe aoe faʻatau le altcoin.
Fa'aali Fa'amatalaga Laasaga ▾

Tusi lau imeli ma kiliki 'Next'. Ia mautinoa e te tu'uina atu lou igoa moni aua e mana'omia e UpHold mo fa'amatalaga ma fa'amaoniga e iloagofie ai. Filifili se upu faataga malosi ina ia aua ne'i a'afia lau tala i tagata ta'avale.

O le ae mauaina se imeli faʻamaonia. Tatala ma kiliki i luga o le soʻotaga i totonu. O le a manaʻomia oe e tuʻuina atu se numera feaveaʻi faʻamaonia e faʻatutu ai le faʻamaoniga e lua (2FA), o se faʻaopoopoga faʻaopoopo i le saogalemu o lau teugatupe ma e matua fautuaina lava e te fa'atumauina pea le fa'aoga lea.

Mulimuli i le isi laasaga e fa'auma ai lau fa'amaoniga. O laasaga nei e fai si faigata aemaise lava pe a e faʻatali e faʻatau se aseta ae pei lava o isi faʻalapotopotoga tau tupe, UpHold e faʻatulafonoina i le tele o atunuu e pei o le US, UK ma le EU. E mafai ona e faia lenei mea o se fefaʻatauaʻiga i le faʻaaogaina o se faʻavae faʻalagolago e fai ai lau faʻatau muamua crypto. O le tala fiafia o le faagasologa atoa lea e ta'ua o le Know-Your-Customers (KYC) ua uma ona fa'aogaina ma e le tatau ona sili atu i le 15 minute e mae'a ai.

Laasaga 2: Fa'atau BTC ma tupe fiat

A mae'a loa le faagasologa o le KYC. O le a talosagaina oe e fa'aopoopo se auala e totogi ai. I'inei e mafai ona e filifili e tu'uina atu se credit/debit card pe fa'aoga se faletupe. tau pe a faʻaaoga kata ae o le ae faia foi se faʻatau vave E ui o le a taugofie le fesiitaiga i le faletupe ae faʻagesegese, e faʻatatau i le atunuʻu o loʻo e nofo ai, o nisi atunuu o le a ofoina atu tupe teu vave ma totogi maualalo.

O lea ua uma ona e seti, i luga o le 'Transact' mata i lalo o le 'Mai' fanua, filifili lau tupe fiat, ona sosoo ai lea ma le 'I' fanua filifili Bitcoin, kiliki le muai toe iloilo lau fefaʻatauaiga ma le kiliki faʻamaonia pe a foliga lelei mea uma. .. ma faamalo! Fa'ato'a faia lau fa'atau muamua crypto.

Laasaga 3: Faʻafeiloaʻi le BTC i se Altcoin Exchange

But we are not done yet, since SCHO is an altcoin we need to transfer our to an exchange that SCHO can be traded. Below is a list of exchanges that offers to trade SCHO in various market pairs, head to their websites and register for an account.

Once finished you will then need to deposit BTC to the exchange from UpHold. After the deposit is confirmed you may then purchase SCHO from the exchange view.

Paʻaga Maketiga

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once SCHO gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities! o se faʻamatalaga faʻamatalaga Amerika na faʻalauiloaina 2017. Talu ai o le fesuiaiga o Amerika, e mafai e le aufaipisinisi a Amerika ona fefaʻatauaʻi iinei ma matou fautuaina le aufaioloa US e sainia i lenei fesuiaiga. O le fesuiaiga o loʻo avanoa uma i le Igilisi ma le Saina (o le mea mulimuli e fesoasoani tele mo tagata Saina teu tupe).O le faʻatauga autu a o la latou filifiliga lautele o fefaʻatauaiga. E mafai ona e mauaina le tele o altcoins fou iinei. faʻaalia foi se mata'ina le tele o fefa'ataua'iga e toetoe lava o aso uma o se tasi o fefa'ataua'iga pito i luga e 20 ma le maualuga o fefa'ataua'iga. e masani ona i ai le USDT (Tether) o se tasi o vaega o le paga.O lea, e aoteleina ai le mea o loʻo taʻua muamua, o le aofaʻi tele a o paʻaga fefaʻatauaʻiga ma lona tulaga faʻapitoa o le faʻaaogaina o ni vaega sili ona mataʻina o lenei fesuiaiga.


O le BitMart o se fefaʻatauaʻiga crypto mai le Cayman Islands. Na avanoa mo tagata lautele ia Mati 2018. BitMart o loʻo i ai se faʻamalieina moni. COVID-20), o le aofaʻi o fefaʻatauaʻiga 2020 itula a BitMart e $ 19 piliona. O le aofaʻi lea na tuʻu ai BitMart i le nofoaga numera 24 i luga o le Coinmarketcap's lisi o fefaʻatauaiga ma le maualuga o le 1.8 itula o fefaʻatauaiga. E leai se aoga e fai atu, afai e te amata fefaʻatauaʻiga iinei, o le ae e le tatau ona popole e uiga i le tusi oka e manifinifi tele fefaʻatauaʻiga e le faʻatagaina ai le aufaipisinisi mai Amerika e avea ma tagata faʻatau. o latou lava manatu i so'o se mataupu e tula'i mai lo latou sitiseni po'o le nofomau.

Last Step: Store SCHO securely in hardware wallets

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Faigofie ona fa'atutu ma faauo fa'aoga
  • E mafai ona faʻaogaina i luga o komepiuta ma komepiuta feaveaʻi
  • Mama ma le Maea
  • Lagolago le tele o poloka poloka ma le tele o faʻailoga (ERC-20/BEP-20).
  • Tele gagana avanoa
  • Fausia e se kamupani mautu na maua i le 2014 ma le puipuiga tele o chip
  • Tau taugata
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • E sili atu le malosi pu'upu'u elemene (ST33) nai lo Ledger Nano S
  • E mafai ona faʻaogaina i luga o le komepiuta poʻo le komepiuta, poʻo le telefoni ma le laulau e ala i le Bluetooth tuʻufaʻatasia
  • Mama ma feaveai ma fausia-i totonu maa toe fa'aaogaina
  • Lau lapoʻa
  • E sili atu le avanoa e teu ai nai lo Ledger Nano S
  • Lagolago le tele o poloka poloka ma le tele o faʻailoga (ERC-20/BEP-20).
  • Tele gagana avanoa
  • Fausia e se kamupani mautu na maua i le 2014 ma le puipuiga tele o chip
  • Tau taugata

If you are planning to keep("hodl" as some may say, basically misspelt "hold" which get popularised over time) your SCHO for a considerable long time, you may want to explore ways of keeping it safe, although Binance is one of the safest cryptocurrency exchange there had been hacking incidents and funds were lost. Because of the very nature of the wallets in exchanges, they will be always online("Hot Wallets" as we call them), therefore exposing certain aspects of vulnerabilities. The safest way of storing your coins to date is always putting them into a type of "Cold Wallets", where the wallet will only have access to the blockchain(or simply "go online") when you send out funds, reducing the chances of hacking incidents. A paper wallet is a type of free cold wallet, it's basically an offline-generated pair of public and private address and you will have it written somewhere, and keep it safe. However, it is not durable and is susceptible to various hazards.

O atotupe meafaigaluega iinei e mautinoa lava o se filifiliga sili atu o pusa malulu. E masani lava o masini e mafai ona faʻaogaina USB e teu ai faʻamatalaga autu o lau atotupe i se auala sili atu ona umi. E fausia i le puipuiga o le militeri ma o latou firmware o loʻo tausia pea e a latou gaosiga. Ledger Nano S ma Ledger Nano X ma o filifiliga sili ona lauiloa i lenei vaega, o nei atotupe tau e tusa ma le $50 i le $100 e fuafua i foliga latou te ofoina atu. o matou manatu.

Other useful tools for trading SCHO

So'oga malu puipuia


Ona o le natura tonu lava o le cryptocurrency – decentralized, o lona uiga o tagata e faaaogāina e 100% e nafa ma le taulimaina ma le saogalemu o a latou aseta.A o le faaaogaina o le atotupe meafaigaluega e mafai ai ona e teuina au cryptos i se nofoaga saogalemu, o le faaaogaina o se sootaga VPN encrypted a oe fefaatauai e atili ai ona faigata. mo tagata taʻavale e faʻalavelave pe faʻalogo i au faʻamatalaga maʻaleʻale aemaise lava pe a e fefaʻatauaʻi i luga o le alu poʻo se fesoʻotaʻiga Wifi lautele. NordVPN o se tasi o totogi sili ona lelei (faʻaaliga: aua neʻi faʻaaogaina soʻo se auaunaga VPN e leai se totogi ona e ono sogisogi au faʻamatalaga e toe faʻafoʻi ai auaunaga e leai se totogi) VPN auaunaga i fafo ma ua lata i le sefulu tausaga. E ofoina atu le militeri-grade fa'ailoga feso'ota'iga ma e mafai fo'i ona e filifili e poloka 'upega tafa'ilagi leaga ma fa'asalalauga ma latou CyberSec fa'aaliga. E mafai ona e filifili e fa'afeso'ota'i i le 5000+ servers i 60+ atunuu e faavae i luga o lou nofoaga o iai nei, lea e mautinoa ai e te maua pea se fesoʻotaʻiga lamolemole ma saogalemu i soʻo se mea e te i ai.i au faiga masani i aso uma e pei o le tafeina o vitio po o le siiina mai o faila tetele.Ma o se tasi lea o auaunaga VPN sili ona taugofie i fafo (naʻo le $3.49 i le masina).


O le Surfshark o se mea e sili atu ona taugofie pe afai o loʻo e suʻeina se VPN saogalemu. E ui lava o se kamupani fou, ae ua uma ona 3200+ sapalai tufatufaina i atunuu e 65. E ese mai i le VPN o loʻo i ai foi isi mea manaia e aofia ai le CleanWeb™, lea e malosi poloka fa'asalalauga, trackers, malware ma phishing taumafaiga a'o e fa'ase'e i luga o lau su'esu'ega. I le taimi nei, e leai se fa'atapula'a o masini a le Surfshark e mafai ai ona e fa'aogaina i luga o le tele o masini e te mana'o ai ma fa'asoa atu le auaunaga i au uo ma aiga. Fa'aoga le feso'ota'iga saini i lalo e maua ai se pa'u 81%(tele tele!!) ile $2.49/masina!


IT nomads na fausia le Atlas VPN ina ua uma ona latou vaaia le leai o se auaunaga pito i luga i totonu o le fanua VPN saoloto. Atlas VPN na mamanuina mo tagata uma ina ia maua avanoa saoloto i mea e le faʻatapulaaina e aunoa ma se manoa faʻapipiʻi. fa'atasi ai ma tekonolosi pito i luga. E le gata i lea, e ui lava o Atlas VPN o le tamaititi fou i luga o le poloka, o lipoti a latou blog 'au na ufiufi e ala lauiloa e pei o Forbes, Fox News, Washington Post, TechRadar ma le tele o isi. Lalo o nisi o fa'ailoga taualoa:

  • Malosiaga faʻamalamalamaga
  • O lo'o fa'aalia e le Tracker blocker e poloka ai upegatafa'ilagi mata'utia, taofi kuki lona tolu mai le su'eina o au masaniga su'esu'e ma taofia fa'asalalauga amio.
  • Fa'amatalaga Breach Monitor e su'e pe saogalemu au fa'amatalaga patino.
  • SafeSwap servers e fa'atagaina oe e maua le tele o tuatusi IP feliuliua'i e ala ile feso'ota'i ile server e tasi
  • Tau sili ona lelei ile maketi VPN (na'o le $1.39/masina!!)
  • No-log policy e fa'amautu ai lou le faalauaiteleina saogalemu
  • Automatic Kill Switch e poloka ai lau masini po'o polokalama mai le mauaina o le initaneti pe a le manuia le feso'ota'iga
  • So'oga fa'atasi fa'atasi.
  • Fesoasoani P2P

Fesili e Masani ona Fesiligia

Can I buy SCHO with cash?

There is no direct way to buy SCHO with cash. However, you can use marketplaces such as LocalBitcoins e muamua faʻatau BTC, ma faʻamaeʻa isi laasaga e ala i le faʻaliliuina o lau BTC i fefaʻatauaiga a AltCoin.

LocalBitcoins ose fefa'ataua'iga Bitcoin a tupulaga-i-peer. O se maketi e mafai ai e tagata faʻaoga ona faʻatau ma faʻatau atu Bitcoins i ma mai le tasi i le isi. O tagata faʻaoga, e taʻua o tagata faʻatau, faia faʻasalalauga faʻatasi ma le tau ma le auala totogi latou te manaʻo e ofoina atu. E mafai ona e filifili e faʻatau mai tagata faʻatau mai se itulagi lata ane i luga o le tulaga. o se nofoaga lelei uma e te alu ai e faʻatau Bitcoins pe a le mafai ona e mauaina lau auala e te manaʻo ai e totogi i se isi mea. Ae o tau e masani ona maualuga i luga o lenei tulaga ma e tatau ona e faia lau suʻesuʻega tatau e aloese ai mai le faʻaseseina.

Are there any quick ways to buy SCHO in Europe?

Ioe, o le mea moni, o Europa o se tasi o nofoaga sili ona faigofie e faʻatau ai cryptos i le lautele. E oʻo lava i luga ole laiga faletupe e mafai ona e tatalaina se teugatupe ma faʻafeiloaʻi tupe i fefaʻatauaiga e pei o Faʻaaogaina ma Tausalaina.

Are there any alternative platforms to buy SCHO or Bitcoin with credit cards?

Ioe. o se faʻaoga faigofie tele foi e faʻaoga mo le faʻatauina o Bitcoin ma kata fai aitalafu. Ose fa'atauva'a fa'atauva'a vave e mafai ai ona e fa'afesuia'i vave le crypto ma fa'atau i se kata faletupe. O lona fa'aoga fa'aoga e matua faigofie lava ona fa'aoga ma o la'asaga fa'atau e fai lava si fa'amalamalamaga.

Read more on Scholarship Coin's fundamentals and current price here.

SCHO Price Prediction and Price Movement

SCHO has been down 0 percent over the last three months, and with its small market capitalization, it is very likely that such price movement may continue. However three months is still considered early in the crypto world and it is also likely that SCHO's price may bounce back if it has a solid team and has delivered what they promised on their white papers. Therefore traders should be careful and should research thoroughly and see if SCHO is backed by a solid development team and whether SCHO's technology has any potential to grow.

Please note that this analysis is purely base on SCHO's historic price actions and is by no means financial advice. Traders should always do their own research and be extra careful while investing in cryptocurrencies.

O lenei tusiga na muamua vaʻaia ile, mo nisi faʻamatalaga muamua ma faʻaonaponei faʻatau crypto, asiasi WWW Dot Crypto Buying Tips Dot Com

faitau atili ile

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